Nutritional characteristics of mutton sheep feed

1. In the process of metabolism of sheep, proteins need to absorb proteins from various forages. As a structural material and renewal material of various body tissues, the need of protein is actually the need of amino acids, diversification of feed forage, It helps to ensure the full price of protein nutrition.

2. Energy substances Carbohydrates are the main energy substances. Sheep's need for energy is related to the activity program. Sheep grazing on meadows consume 10-100% more energy than feeding.

3. Minerals constitute the main components of the sheep's bones and teeth. The major elements are calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, and sulfur. Trace elements mainly include iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, cobalt, and molybdenum. They have an extremely important role in the digestion, absorption, metabolism, acid-base balance, maintenance of osmotic pressure and composition of the carcass of the animal body.

4. The main role of vitamins is to regulate physiological functions, maintain health, and prevent diseases. Fat-soluble vitamins include VA, VD, VE, and VK; water-soluble vitamins include B vitamins, VC, and VP. Sheep can synthesize a certain amount of B vitamins through rumen microbes. In the general feed, VD, VE and VK are abundant, and VA is the most common deficiency. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the supplementation of VA in the process of feeding goats.

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