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What is special about kiwi leaves preservation after harvest

Leaf preservation is an important measure in autumn management of kiwifruit. The leaves are the carrier of tree nutrient. The integrity of the leaves and the early or late fall of leaves are related to the amount of nutrient accumulation in the tree, the d ......

High-yield planting method and technology of celery

Celery is a new type of nutritious and health-care vegetable introduced from abroad in recent years. It has many functions such as lowering blood pressure, calming, diuretic and promoting appetite. It is very popular in the market. Let’s learn about ......

Do not apply excessive nitrogen fertilizer to fruit trees

Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer to fruit trees will not only fail to increase production, but will lead to many undesirable consequences. Affect the quality of the fruit in the later stage of fruit growth, if a large amount of nitrogen ferti ......

What kind of fertilizer should be applied during the floweri…

Because strawberries have a long flowering and fruiting period, they consume more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. If there is a lack of phosphorus and potassium during the flowering and fruiting period, the cold resistance will be reduced, resulting ......

Causes of onion death after transplantation

The growth of onions requires the root system to absorb nutrients and water. Whether it is planted in late autumn or early spring, seedlings are grown first and then planted, which causes the problem of seedling transplantation. How to improve the survival ......

Fruit tree nitrogen fertilizer is not the right practice

First, ammonium nitrate cannot be applied. When the fruit tree grows, it is easy to absorb the nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. If the ammonium nitrate fertilizer is applied, the nitrate ions absorbed by the fruit trees are excessively consumed, which may ......

Cultivation techniques of autumn cowpea

1. Reasonable crop rotation, select good varieties with strong disease resistance, disinfect the seeds before planting, and dress the seeds with a new high-fat film, which can repel underground diseases and insects, effectively kill harmful bacteria, block ......

Hurry up to prevent wheat lodging

Key prevention wheat fields First, wheat fields with premature planting, excessive planting volume, total stems per mu before wintering of more than 800,000, and maximum tillers of more than 1 million in spring, are prone to field closure, poor ventilati ......

Multi-film covering in cold weather arch shed

As the weather turned cold, the amount of vegetables in the arched shed gradually decreased in the later stage of the results. It is particularly important to improve the thermal insulation of the arch shed and extend the time to market for vegetables. H ......

Wheat no-till seeding

The water-saving and drought-resistant straw is evenly spread on the surface of the ground. There is no dry soil cracking in the winter and spring, and the soil is practical, which reduces the evaporation and loss of soil moisture. Warming and warming the straw cover is like covering a wheat seed ......