How to achieve high yield of plastic film peanut

To achieve high yield of groundnut peanuts, the following “Thirteen Key Techniques” should be mastered in cultivation:

One must choose a good species. Select disease-resistant, early-maturing, high-yielding and stable product species on hillside and in the area of ​​bacterial wilt disease. There are Zhonghua No.2, Zhonghua No.6 and Tianfu No.11 (Guangdong 200). In paddy fields and non-wild wilt epidemic areas where paddy fields and paddy fields are planted, early-maturing, high-yielding and high-quality varieties Zhonghua No. 5, Zhonghua No. 4 and Zhonghua No. 7 should be selected.

The second is to apply good fat. The county's many years of production practice showed that 667 square meters of 400 to 450 kilograms of peanut pods must be produced with 5000 kg of farmyard fertilizer, 30-40 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 50-60 kg of superphosphate, and 15-18 potassium chloride. Kilograms, 1 kg of borax, 40 kg of lime in acidic soil. All fertilizers were applied at the end of the season, farmyard manure (organic manure) was applied before the second plowing, and fertilizer (inorganic manure) was applied at the second time. Conditional, in the application of chemical fertilizer, 667 square meters to join 1-2 packets of "peanut seat fruit treasure" and mix evenly, can effectively improve the peanut fruit setting rate.

Third, we must do a good job. In winter and winter, the fields will be deep tilled soil and intensively ploughed before sowing. Do two plows and two pounds, to achieve a cool and earthy soil, virtual reality, flat car surface. Press 2 meters to open the car, the car is 1.6 meters. Open a good "four ditch", that is surrounded by a good open ditch, the ditch depth of 0.4 to 0.5 meters; vertical compartment each 30 meters to open a straight ditch, straight ditch 0.3 ~ 0.4 meters deep; horizontal every 20 meters apart to open a waist ditch The depth of the ditch is 0.25 to 0.3 meters; a ditch is opened every 2 meters and the ditch is 0.15 to 0.2 meters deep.

Fourth, mix well. At the time of sowing, 150 to 200 g of fresh water and 50 g of ammonium molybdate in fresh water are mixed and broadcasted for each rhizobium of 50 to 100 g for each 12.5 kg of seed kernels. Note that the seeds mixed with Rhizobium must be protected from light; the seeds of the mixed herbs must be protected from poisoning by humans and animals.

Five to broadcast a good species. Peanut sowing requires that the surface temperature of the 5 to 10 cm soil layer is stable to more than 12oC. Therefore, the peanuts can be planted in the suitable planting period in the county in early April. The planting can be covered by mulching, and the sowing date can be advanced to March 20. The broadcast will be broadcast around March 25 and will end on April 5. Sowing density is generally 10,000 square meters sowing 10,000 points, 20,000, 2-3 per hole, to ensure that 2 per hole. The sowing depth is generally about 5 cm, shallow not less than 3 cm and depth not exceeding 7 cm.

Sixth, spray medicine. After sowing, 667 square meters with Dore 150 ml or 200 ml acetochlor 50 kg of water on the surface of the car after the timely coating. Pay attention to more fields of dicotyledonous weeds should be selected Dole, should not turn the soil after spraying and to cover the film timely protection.

Seventh, it is necessary to cover the membrane. Cover film to do the wind, slow release, paving, tightening, solid, compact, surrounded by solid film edge. At present, it is preferable to choose a microfilm with a thickness of 0.005mm and a width of 2m.

Eight should put a good seedlings. About two weeks after sowing, when the cotyledons unearthed, they should use a small sharp knife to break the membrane and put the seedlings in a timely manner, so that one tree can be planted and a high temperature can be prevented. When it grows to four leaves, carefully examine the lateral branches that grow in the membrane and allow it to grow normally. Pay attention to open hole when the seedlings, the size of the hole should be appropriate to 3 cm is appropriate; while sealing the gap with fine soil.

Nine to make up for the shortage. After the seedlings are established, seedlings should be promptly checked for deficiencies. The best seeds for reseeding seedlings should be soaked (to expose only the radicles); the seedlings should be transplanted with 3-4 leaves of seedlings with soil.

Ten must control good seedlings. Peanuts have developed root systems and require large amounts of fertilizer. The initial flowering period of 667 square meters was sprayed with 50-100 grams of borax and 50 kg of water evenly. At the end of the flowering period, for long-trending fields, 667 square meters were sprayed with 15% paclobutrazol 100 to 150 grams of water and 50 kilograms of foliage. In order to increase the seed setting rate, the extra-root fertilizer is applied at the final flowering stage. 667 square meters of spraying 1% urea or 0.2% of ?0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution 50 kg once.

Eleven must prevent disease. For peanut diseases, in addition to adopting crop rotation, improving cultivation and management, and adopting comprehensive measures such as resistant varieties to prevent and cure leaf spot, rust, and blight, 40% carbendazim 500 times can be used for prevention and treatment.

Twelve to cure insects. Peanut pests mainly include earthworms (land pests) and aphids (foliar pests). In the fertile fields where pods have been grown for many years, large fields occur. If the control is not effective, the average field loss is 20% 30%, and the serious field loss is more than 50%. For the control of earthworms, the pesticides such as carbofuran (100g/667m2), phoxim or pencine (0.5kg/667m2), etc. can be mixed with soil (25kg/667m2) and mixed into toxic soil. Spit when sowing. When locusts appear, they can use dimethoate, omethoate, Dagong Chen and other agents for foliar spray control.

Thirteen must be received in due course. When the top of the peanut plant ceases to grow, the upper leaves turn yellow, and the middle and lower leaves turn from green to yellow and gradually fall off. The night movement of the leaf weakens or disappears. Most of the pods harden, the reticulation is clear, and when the seeds are full, they must be clear. Harvest and spread the sun, drying to the hand and the fruit ring, hand peel seed kernel skin off.

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