Healthy health: 10 kinds of home-made foods actually harm health

1, leafy foods

The vegetables listed as the first, including the lettuce that Westerners often eat. It is dangerous because it has not been properly cleaned. Vegetables are often eaten by Westerners in salads. If it is not clean enough, vegetables can be easily contaminated by this E. coli.

Green leafy vegetables may be contaminated on the farm due to exposure to wild animals, excrement, dirty water, or poor sanitation when farmers harvest, and then continue to grow pathogens and wash after harvesting, and it is not guaranteed that they can be eaten safely.

2. Eggs

Salmonella, an egg food, can survive in the animal's intestine and pass through the faeces to the egg. Some type of salmonella can infect the hen's ovary and cause the egg to become infected before it emerges from the shell.

3, salmon

The symptoms caused by tuna fish are usually salmon poisoning. Tuna fish are quickly spoiled after being caught. If the temperature exceeds 15.6 degrees Celsius, it will release natural toxins. This toxin cannot be decomposed via cooking, cold storage, smoking, treatment or canning.

4, oysters

Earthworms usually cause disease with Norwalk virus or Vibrio, and the former may come from contaminated waters. Raw oysters or undercooked oysters can cause gastroenteritis. Vibrio is similar to cholera bacteria and is even more dangerous.

5, potato

Potatoes are usually cooked and free of germs, but potato dishes often have many ingredients and some of them may have problems. The most common is Salmonella, followed by E. coli.

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