
[Scientific name]Allium giganteum

[alias] leeks and scallions

[Genus] Lilium Allium

Native to Central Asia. Hi cool and sunny environment, avoid hot and humid, requiring loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam. Bulb with white membranous skin. Basal leaves broadly shaped. The umbellules have a diameter of about 15em with 2 000-- 3 000 floret flowers. Flowering period from May to June, mature seed period in early July. Sowing or distributing bulbs. It can be broadcast live from September to October and germinate in late March of the following year. The summer part of the summer withered, can be excavated small bulbs set the hurricane at the summer, after the autumn planting. It usually takes 4 years to sow until flowering. The scallions are unique and colorful, and are used for flowering, flowering, or shrubbing. About 500 species of Allium are also used for viewing: A. christophii; A. moly; A. mongolicum.

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