Crab claw

Crab-claw cactus, commonly known as Crab-claw, is a species of cactus Crab Claw, a perennial succulent plant. Most stem segments, and to the four expansion, tip drooping. Each stem section is flat and short, obovate to oblong, green and bright, apex truncated, with two teeth, two edges with coarse serrations. The flowers are born at the tip of the stem section, light purple, and the flowers are opened and reversed. Both filaments and styles are curved. The flowering period varies from species to season, from December to April of the following year.

Crab claw cactus is hi warm, not cold, not high temperature, winter temperature should be maintained above 5 °C. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 to 25°C. Drought-tolerant and impatience should be grown in well-drained, moist, fertile, slightly acidic sandy loam soils. Shading and spraying are needed during the summer to prevent hot and dry stems from causing chlorosis of stems. Phosphorus-potassium-based bone powder was applied before flowering to promote flowering. After the buds appear, do not make the basin soil too dry so as not to cause budding. Crab claw cactus do not sleep for a short time after flowering and should keep the pots slightly dry. Change soil once before the growth period. During the growing season, a thin fertilizer solution can be applied every half-month to promote new stem sections. Crabcock cactus is a short-day plant. Do not exceed 8 to 9 hours of daily light during the growing season. In summer, the crab claw cactus stops fertilizing and is placed in shaded and ventilated place to prevent rot.

Crab claw cactus can be grafted in the spring and autumn, but the March-April months is appropriate. On sunny days, select the first and the second section of the stem section that is not old, tender, and robust to cut the scion, and scrunch the lower end of the scion. Select cactus and triangular sword as rootstock, cut off the upper end of the rootstock, and then cut a knife, insert the scion into the knife edge and hold it tight for one minute, and then bind and fix it. After half a month to survive, water once in two or three days, bogey water, but also avoid drought and water shortage. Crab claw cactus can be cut all year round, but April-May is appropriate. Select the strong growth of the tip of the stem section cut two sections, dry one or two days after the wound to be converged, half of it inserted in the loose clean sand basin, set shadow shade. The temperature is maintained at 10-20°C, and rooting can be performed after 20 days. However, cutting seedlings are inferior to grafted seedlings in terms of growth and flowering.

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