Winter melon is usually grown in a few months? Key points of efficient cultivation of winter melon

How is winter melon planted? What precautions? Winter melon is a vegetable variety that combines medicinal and food. It is loved by men, women and children. The cost of planting melon is also low, and the yield is not bad. The following is a small series of Hui Nong. I will take everyone to learn the precautions in the process of planting melon.


First, watering

Watering is very important in the process of growing melon, because melon has a greater demand for water. During the melon seedling stage, if it is a warmer weather, it is best to pour water once a day in the morning and evening. In low-temperature weather, it will be less poured.

When the melon is climbing, it is the time when the melon is most in need of water. In addition to pouring water once a day on the plant, it is necessary to keep a water level of about 8cm in the crater on a sunny day, and drain it in a rainy day to prevent water from accumulating. Many lead to erosion of the roots.


Second, fertilizer

Winter melon is good for fertilizer. There are a lot of fertilizers needed for growth. If you want your melon to achieve high yield, you must apply enough base fertilizer before planting, and you need constant topdressing in the later growth process.

Third, pruning

Trim the melon, usually only one main vine is left. When the melon vine grows about 20 leaves, you can leave the melon, or when the melon is the second female. It is best not to have more than three melons per main vine, and the vines should be properly pruned.


Fourth, sowing

The best time for melon to be planted in spring is usually between January and February, and the sowing time in autumn is around July. Spring sowing is best used to transplant seedlings, in order to prevent problems caused by low temperatures. Autumn sowing is generally the choice of bud broadcast.

The above is the key point of winter melon planting. If you want to know what kind of knowledge you want to learn, you can leave a message first. The Hui Nongwang Xiaobian will continue to supplement it for everyone. Regarding the other contents of the melon, the follow-up will continue to be updated for everyone.

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