"Touch" hologram technology will be used to achieve 3D communication in the medical field
December 09, 2015 Source: Health
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This accessible hologram technology is called "Fairy Lights" and allows users to interact with holograms. This technique can be applied in the medical field, such as holograms can be used to show a certain surgical process.
The hologram is made of a femtosecond laser that stimulates a solid object to release 3D light. This laser can produce high-frequency pulses (between 1000 and 200,000 pulses per second, depending on the laser type). set). According to Reuters, laser pulses can provide feedback on a person's "touch", allowing people to interact with holograms located in the air.
“If we use a larger laser in a larger space and allow people to interact with these lasers, our daily lives will change. In addition, we can use this new special occasion. Technology, such as construction sites, medical facilities, people can achieve a 3D form of communication," said researcher Yoichi Ochiai in an interview with the media.
However, there have been cases of failure before the hologram can be touched. Some people have developed similar techniques before, trying to create a touchable hologram, but eventually burned the tester's skin.
Ochiai said that if people can project images in 3D and can touch these scenes, it will create a more realistic virtual reality scene.
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