Prevention and Treatment of Diseases of Asparagus

Asparagus genus Asparagus belongs to the genus Liliaceae of the genus Liliaceae. It is native to South Africa. Diseases and insect pests often occur in the process of daily cultivation and management. The prevention and control methods are described one by one. Branch Blight The branch blight causes harm to the branches of the asparagus, which results in the twigs (which are usually considered as the leaves of the asparagus) falling off. In severe cases, the whole plant withered and died. The pathogen of the branch blight is the fungus of Sporothorax sp. The pathogenic bacteria invade when the plant vigor declines, often invading from the upper part of the weakened branchlets; the lesions are spindle-shaped or filiform at the beginning, and then gradually expand upwards and downwards, or surround the stems to make the upper branches of the plants dry and the branchlets fall off. After a certain period of time, the susceptible branchlets gradually faded to light brown, followed by yellow-white, dense black spots above; the small black spots in these dead branches were the conidia of the pathogen. Conidia are born under the epidermis, spheroidal or spherical, dark brown; conidia are colorless, single cells, nearly oval. The pathogenic bacteria are attached to the damaged parts through the winter as conidiospore, and contaminated transmission is harmful when the environment is suitable the next year. The disease is generally from July to November in Guangdong, and the weather is relatively hot and dry. Poor cultivation and management, strong direct sunlight or excessive shading, plant growth weakness is the cause of the disease. Control methods and measures: 1. Eradicate the source of infection. Once the branches of asparagus were found to have been infested with pathogens, the dead branches should be cut off in time and then burned. In order to prevent clippings from being infected by the bacteria, Vaseline must be painted after the scissors have been disinfected with alcohol. 2. Improve the cultivation conditions. To control the light conditions, potted bamboo should be placed in a ventilated and sunny place, but it is not exposed to strong direct sunlight; the management of fertilizer and water should be strengthened so that the plants can grow robustly and increase their resistance to disease. 3. Drug control. In the early stage of disease, spray 1% Bordeaux mixture, or 75% chlorothalonil 800 times solution, and potassium permanganate 1500 times, which has better bactericidal efficacy. Phellodendron avenae yellowing disease is a plant physiological disease and is not contagious. Branchlets initially turn yellow. If they are not treated in time, the sprigs will all fall off and the plants will wither and die. The disease is common in Guangdong. At the beginning of the disease, the twigs lost their chlorosis, gradually turned yellowish and white, and finally yellow; when the rickets occurred for a long time, they touched the sprigs and fell off. In some diseased plants, the roots of the roots of the diseased plants turned gray and black and rotted, with few new roots. In severe cases, the whole plant withered. The causes of the disease are mainly the following four points: First, put or cultivate the sun in direct sunlight is too strong or long-term in the shade of the environment is not airy; Second, too much water or excessive drought; Third, the application of no decay fertilizer Or excessive application of chemical fertilizers; Fourth, the soil texture is heavy, lack of oxygen supply. The first reason is that it only causes the symptoms of plantlet yellowing; the latter three reasons also lead to root rot, no new roots, and yellow branchlets off. The disease can occur all year round, but in summer and autumn, if it is simultaneously affected by soil Fusarium bacteria, the plants will soon wither and die. Control methods and measures: 1. The potted bamboo as the substrate, the best texture is loose and breathable, rich in humus, to avoid over-sticking soil, affecting root development. 2. Grasp the lighting conditions, like bamboo and semi-shade environment. It should be placed in a place with good ventilation and no direct sunlight. 3. Poor soil quality or improper fertilization can easily cause rot. When the pot is changed, replace the old soil and cut off the rot. Then, immerse the root system with a 0.1% potassium permanganate solution before the cultivation to disinfect and sterilize. 4. Strengthen water and fertilizer management. Wenzhu Xigan does not like wet, should not do not see the soil does not dry. Of course, too little watering can cause the yellow branchlets to fall off. If the family has cultivated asparagus, and no one is out at home, it should be poured with water once before going and spread on the surface of the soil with soaked cotton. Apply fertilizer to apply fully decomposed organic fertilizer, and adhere to the principles of thin-fertilizer application. Fertilization should be applied to the root soil, and do not pour on the plants.

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